Vision and strategy

Governing your data asset requires a solid knowledge of these data, relevant reliability indicators, as well as access control and validation processes. Metadata provide the required information to achieve this.

The first step of your journey to data governance is mastering your metadata.

Metadata are the foundation of data governance. They support the expression of your expectations, allow you to build a strategy and provide a solid vison of the result, and the path to go. They provide the knowledge and indicators for an efficient data governance. Mastering your metadata guarantees a “Single Source of Truth” for your data.

DQ Executive provides the knowledge base and indicators to build governance on.

DQ Executive – inspired by ISO-11179 – works simultaneously on 3 levels:

  • Define the concepts of information you want to work on
  • Query the existing datasets and match them with your concepts
  • Deploy the harmonised instances of data supporting your processes

This exhaustive knowledge and mastering of the metadata describing your data assets enables efficient and documented data harmonisation, pragmatic data integration, successful data warehousing and reliable analysis.

Metadata governance: all you always wanted to know about your data
  • Location and monitoring of GDPR sensitive data
  • Metadata maintenance activity and completion monitoring
  • Metadata registration and registrars follow-up
  • Notifications management and discussion groups
  • Authentication and role-based authorization
  • Workflows configuration and monitoring
  • Encryption keys authorization and usage monitoring